Building mobile apps with Kotlin/Native


Web i Mobile

Datum i vrijeme

utorak, 08. svibanj 2018., 10:50


Dvorana C



Whenever we want to create a mobile app for both iOS and Android we have two options.

  1. First create both apps to be native by using Java or Kotlin on Android and Swift or Objective-C on iOS.
  2. Second use Xamarin, Ionic or some other framework to create our mobile apps for both platforms using a single codebase.

Wouldn't it be cool to be able to use Kotlin in cross-platform development and be able to develop both iOS and Android apps using one business layer codebase or even write everything in Kotlin? Kotlin/Native is a technology that wants to enable that by compiling Kotlin to native binaries that run without any VM and allowing compilation for platforms where virtual machines are not desirable or possible. This talk will focus on the current state of Kotlin/Native by showing code examples and pointing out to its current limitations.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Bez iskustva (1 g. i manje)
Grupa aktivnosti: Web i Mobile

O predavaču


Konferenciju organiziraju Hrvatska udruga Oracle korisnika i Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika. 

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