Security in the cloud


Tehnologije & rješenja

Datum i vrijeme

ponedjeljak, 11. listopad 2021., 15:55


Dvorana B



Cloud computing changed the way we develop software. We are not dependant on the infrastucture / IT teams any more. We, as the developers, are empowered to setup the infrastructure on our own, which in most cases helps us deliver faster. However, with great power comes great responsibility. How often do we think about the security thread when implementing our solutions? Are we aware a simple mistake when configuring access policies can have a huge consequences? During the presentation I will present the biggest security breaches in the cloud solutions known from the news and tell you how they could be avoided.

Detalji o predavanju

Način održavanja: Osobno prisustvo
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: Razvojni inženjer ili softverski arhitekt
Grupa aktivnosti: Tehnologije & rješenja

O predavaču


Konferenciju organiziraju Hrvatska udruga Oracle korisnika i Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika. 

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