How to Write an API Gateway Plugin in Java


Tehnologije & rješenja

Datum i vrijeme

utorak, 11. listopad 2022., 12:25


Dvorana B



here are other numerous aspects of an API Gateway in building microservices APIs and web applications. In many scenarios, authentication, security, observability, caching, and transformation are handled centrally. At the same time, you can get benefit from an API Gateway in reducing complexity, and delivering high performance for your APIs and it helps you to scale your microservices.A plugin is a heart mechanism in API Gateway by using it, we can create high-performance systems within tight deadlines. In this talk, we will describe how to build custom plugins in Java with Apache APISIX to manage our API Gateway traffic. Apache APISIX is a fully dynamic high-performance Cloud-Native API gateway and supports multi-language plugin development. With Apache APISIX we can write custom plugins in a programming language we are familiar with, including Java.

Detalji o predavanju

Način održavanja: Osobno prisustvo
Razina težine: Općenito
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: Razvojni inženjer ili softverski arhitekt
Grupa aktivnosti: Tehnologije & rješenja

O predavaču


Konferenciju organiziraju Hrvatska udruga Oracle korisnika i Hrvatska udruga Java korisnika. 

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