Consuming messages from Kafka - decoupling consumption and processing


Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

Date and time






Common approach for consuming messages from Kafka is to use single thread both for fetching and processing of messages. KafkaConsumer is not thread-safe, so this approach fits in well. But in some use cases, this might not be most optimal way to do it. Another approach is to decouple consumption and processing, so we can achieve processing parallelization with single consumer and get the most out of multithreaded execution environment. While this can boost your application efficiency, it's not trivial to implement. In this talk we'll explore challenges we face when trying to optimize message processing from Kafka.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Experience Level: Experienced
Desirable listeners function: Developer , System Arhitect , Project leader
Group of activity: Core Java, Frameworks & Servers

About speaker

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