Continuous delivery of Java applications using Oracle Cloud Platform Services


Methodologies & Tools

Date and time

Friday, 20. May 2016., 09:00


Hall D



In recent years the world of application development has adopted new methodologies that aim to improve the quality and speed in which applications are being delivered. The introduction of innovative development approaches such as test driven development and agile development gave rise to a set of new techniques and tools that enable those methodologies. Tools such as automatic build utilities combined with continuous integration platforms, as well as enhanced collaborative tools such as wikis and code review utilities aim to simplify the adoption of these new methodologies. Oracle Developer Cloud Service is a complete development environment supporting the full development lifecycle and allowing developers to collaboratethrough integrated tooling, to manage and track tasks, builds and documentation.ODCS provides automatic deployment to Oracle Platform Services such as JavaCloud Service or Application Container Cloud Service or on-premise infrastructure.In this lecture we will demonstrate the continues delivery method of an Java application using Oracle Developer and Application Container Cloud Services.

Lecture details

Type: Lecture
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Experience Level: Experienced
Desirable listeners function: Developer , System Arhitect , Project leader

About speaker

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