Methodologies & Tools
Tuesday, 08. May 2018., 15:00
Hall C
During our development we prefer to use tools that have already been proved as reliable.However, many of these tools require high number of clicks, keyboard presses or both to achieve certain result.Have you ever wondered how many same simple actions you do every day that can be optimized by using different tool? How much impact on your focus has the time spent finding the right file, folder, method, string or note?How effective is your communication if you have limited amount of time to find some specific information, for example during a meeting?If you think computers should do the hard work of finding information instead of us, join me on this exploration of utility tools that make everyday work much easier. You are very welcome to share your own set of utility tools. Tools being presented are: * Intellij IDEA * tools for notes and sharing * tool for folder navigation * tool for global hotkey configuration * clipboard manager