Running Open Cloud-Native Java at Light Speed with Open Liberty


Technologies & Solutions

Date and time

Tuesday, 11. October 2022., 10:25


Hall A


45 mins'

Gone are the days when developers held no power! This means companies now need to focus more on what developers want out of a product. In comes Open Liberty, an Open-Source Java runtime that is built for developers. It was first created (open-sourced) around 4 years ago and has been optimised for the cloud-native world providing some of the best performance stats in the industry. In this session I will talk about the benefits of using this Open-Source runtime and demonstrate how easy it is to get started in any environment.

Lecture details

Talk Attendence: Attendance in person
Level of difficulty: General
Group of activity: Technologies & Solutions

About speaker


The conference is organized by the Croatian Association of Oracle users & Croatian Java Users Association. 

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